Book-trailer The Royal Body

I am very happy to share this book-trailer with you, yes I commented in his day he was reading the ebook, when they asked me to appear in a video about him I gladly accepted. It has been a pleasure to participate and witness how its creator was shaping it in his imagination and finally, be able to enjoy the result, it's great!!

The Zen master Dokushô Villalba knows how to take advantage of any medium –in this case a book trailer– to transmit the Buddha's teaching to whoever wants to see and listen.. Sobre un guión del propio Dokushô y con su inestimable colaboración hemos realizado esta pieza para la promoción de su obra “The real body”, una traducción comentada del “Shobogenzo Shin Jin Gakudo” (The Study of the Way with the body and the mind), del maestro zen Eihei Dôgen, founder of the Japanese Soto Zen school.

Book-trailer of “The real body, Translation and commentary by Zen master Dokushô Villalba of the Shobogenzo Shin Jin Gakudo, The Study of the Way with the body and the mind”, del maestro zen Eihei Dôgen.
Script and voice over: Dokushô Villalba

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