05. The fight between desire and rejection

Cuando nos sentimos divididos, inmersos en la constante lucha interna de tomar partido por o contra, experimentamos un desgaste gradual que desemboca en la enfermedad del corazón. Esta enfermedad es una manifestación de la falta de conexión con nuestra autenticidad más profunda. En esta lucha perpetua entre los opuestos, perdemos el contacto con nuestra verdadera naturaleza original, lo cual nos hace caer en un estado interno de carencia continuo, algo nos falta y no sabemos lo que es.

04. So that it is declared before the eyes

La mente sin cultivar se asemeja a un jardín descuidado, lleno de malas hiervas o a un mono, saltando de un lado a otro sin parar, discriminando de manera continua y automática, atrapada entre del apego, el rechazo y la indiferencia a lo que valoramos como agradable, desagradable o neutro. Esta situación nos impide ver la realidad tal cual es, más allá de nuestra mente condicionada.

Teaching on Awakening.

In the Buddhist tradition, the concept of awakening takes center stage. It is the culmination of the spiritual search, the awakening of the mind to its true nature and the ultimate reality of existence.

Along the centuries, Countless seekers have explored the depths of consciousness in their search. In this teaching, We explore the foundations of awakening according to Buddhist teachings.

03. But if you make the slightest difference

An abyss is a “immense immaterial reality, unfathomable or incomprehensible”((según la RAE)). In the ordinary state of illusory perception we cannot even imagine awakening, we can't even guess what might be on the other side of the abyss, any kind of idea about it is an illusion.

In Buddhism we distinguish two truths, that of the conditioned reality and the unconditioned. From the truth of awakening, it is possible to integrate these two truths without any paradox, pero desde la orilla de la percepción dualista, un abismo nos separa de la experiencia de la realidad incondicionada.

02. When there is neither love nor hate

We continually cling to what we desire (“love”), and we reject (“hate”) what we find unpleasant without being aware of it. Our practice is to observe, stalk and see directly how this attraction and rejection manifests, in what form and specific details, in our vital circumstances.

01. The Supreme Way is not difficult.

What is the Supreme Way? Where to find it? El maestro Dôgen Zenji escribió: “eyes are horizontal, the upright nose”. Here and now, right under your feet you have the Via available. To access it, you just have to detach yourself from me and mine, shin jin datsu raku ((Expression that is usually translated by “abandonment of body and mind” a través de ella el maestro Dôgen Zenji realizó la Vía)), en palabras de Dôgen Zenji. We need to detach ourselves from our illusory perception and learn to perceive beyond all conditioning, beyond the concepts and words with which we describe and recreate the world moment after moment.

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